Handling Disappointment



I'm an optimistic person in certain situations and in others might be pessimistic.

I noticed that I usually plan my future based on things I expect to happen soon.

This has led to series of disappointments and heartbreaks.s

These emotions kept reoccurring; I just couldn't take it anymore as it was breaking me... I felt worthless in some cases, more or less like I was incompetent and unable to accomplish anything.

I sat down and tried to search on how to deal with DISAPPOINTMENT.

Here are some things I can highlight from my experience:

✓ Never plan the future with the future: A lot of disappointments occur as a result of the fact that we have envision what we want without solid plans in the present.

Dream big but dream with a plan.

✓Be open-minded: Single mindedness tends to make one unable to think outside the box.

If your target doesn't get met, think outside your regular actions to get the task done.

✓ Don't be overly optimistic: It is a great attribute to always be positive but don't put all hopes on that project or that plan.

Lets say for example, you have a $100 contest you're participating in, don't have all hopes in getting the prize.

You hope to win just as all other contestants, so keep an open mind but put in all the efforts you can.

Once you're done, pick up your bags and move on to the next phase.

Disappointment is a normal emotion also every disappointment is a blessing in disguise 😌.

However, dwelling long in it is toxic.

Keep moving and making progress!

WAGMI and GM GM buds 💖